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Report: Municipal Plan and Zoning By-Law

November 17th, 2023

What We Heard

The purpose of this report is to capture the feedback and priorities expressed by community members during the public engagement component of the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law amendment process. Public engagement activities took place during the Summer of 2023 and involved an online survey that ran from August 4 until September 6, 2023, and community open houses in Beechwood, Centreville, and Florenceville-Bristol that took place August 29 to 31, 2023. This report contains a breakdown of key themes expressed by participants during this timeframe and offers insight into how concerns of community members can be addressed through policy in a Municipal Plan and regulations within the corresponding Zoning By-law.

The new municipality of the District of Carleton North was formed on January 1, 2023, as a result of the Province of New Brunswick’s Local Governance Reform initiative. The District is made up of the Villages of Bath and Centreville, the Town of Florenceville Bristol, the Local Service Districts of Glassville, Upper Kent, Wicklow, Wilmot, Lakeville, Aberdeen, and portions of the former Local Service Districts of Kent, Simonds, and Peel. As a result of this restructuring, the District is required to undertake updates and revisions to municipal by-laws to incorporate the entirety of their boundary, including the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law. The update to the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law includes both online and in-person public engagement. The following report provides a summary of what was heard during the initial public engagement phase of the project.